Sunday, October 7, 2012

Rabir Kapoor copied Seinfeld in TATA DOCOMO Ad

This is the Docomo Ad

Its stolen from Seinfeld sitcom where Jerry does his jokes on the same background & style.

Seinfeld - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Ranbir Kapoor's new HERO ad copied from A-TEAM

Here's the ad

This scene where the girl kisses him, secretly passing the key of his hand cuffs into his mouth.
HERO ad copied from A-TEAM

HERO ad copied from A-TEAM

This scene/ trick was copied from A-Team not sure if they copied from anywhere else

The A-Team - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's the original scene
where Brad and Biel lock lips and transfer the key

HERO ad copied from A-TEAM

Here's the trailer

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Windows 8 copied old AOL?

The new windows 8 interface looks a lot similar like the old AOL kids interface (1996)

Trash Copy

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